Friday, January 25, 2008

Forget about war with Iran?

By Leon Hadar
Asia Times

"While some Beltway pundits are applauding the George W Bush administration's apparent rethinking of its plans to bomb Iran, their cheers may be premature. What if Israel got the "yellow light" and the US backed its faithful ally? Stranger things have happened - like two planes flying into the World Trade Center.....

If these scenarios sound improbable - like terrorist flying planes into the World Trade Center or the United States invading Iraq - it's probably a failure of imagination on your part. Contrary to the narrative promoted by the CWers, the realists have not won the policy war in Washington and Bushcheney and its neoconservative minions continue to have the upper hand in setting US foreign policy agenda. We're still watching and taking part in the Bush Show - and we shouldn't be surprised to find out sometime this year that the witch is not dead."

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