Saturday, January 12, 2008

Georgie in Jesusland

If Jesus Were Alive Today He'd Be An Arab


".....After landing by helicopter, the president was whisked quickly to the Church of the Nativity in a motorcade, past Israel's towering concrete and barbed wire barrier, military checkpoints and red-roofed Jewish settlements, too quick to notice a handful of demonstrators gathered on the outskirts of Bethlehem, waving Palestinian flags, pictures of family members in Israeli jails, and signs saying "Stop Israeli terror", "Set our prisoners free", "No apartheid walls", and "Zionism is racism"......

Despite the Lord's instructions to 'Love your enemies', Bethlehem's 72 year old Christian mayor Victor Batarseh was not invited to meet Mr Bush, because he is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an organization which the US State Department considers 'terrorist'......

In the visitors' book at the Holocaust memorial Bush wrote "Long Live Israel",.....

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called Bush's comments a "declaration of war". "Bush's visit and remarks have indicated that his visit came to support the occupation and has brought nothing to the Palestinian people but evil," he said.

At the beginning of his term in Office as president, when asked by a reporter to elaborate why he chose Jesus as his favourite philosopher, Bush replied: "When you turn your heart and life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as the Savior, it changes your heart. It changes your life. And that's what happened to me."

Perhaps it's time he had another look at the words of love and tolerance preached by his Christ in the Sermon on the Mount. 2000 years ago, Jewish Jesus lived in a country under foreign occupation and he called for peace and brotherhood. 2000 years later, modern Palestine is oppressed, divided and occupied by the Israeli state. If Jesus were alive today he would be an Arab. "

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