Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hamas calls on Arab leaders to support Egyptian position on Gaza borders

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement called on the Arab leaders to politically and economically support the Egyptian position on the opening of the borders with Gaza in order for Egypt to stand firm in the face of external pressures, which will contribute to achieve the Palestinian interests and break the suffocating siege.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, underscored in a statement on Saturday that the crisis in the Gaza Strip cannot be addressed by relief lasting for several days, but by ending the siege and the opening of crossing points, urging the Arab masses to intensify their solidarity activities calling for breaking the siege......

The spokesman noted that Hamas submitted a proposal to the Egyptian leadership to hold a tripartite meeting between Hamas and Fatah with the Egyptian leadership to make arrangements to manage the crossings, adding that the PA chief's statements that he tendered an integrated plan on the issue of the crossings were of no value in light of his rejection to discuss this plan with Hamas.

The spokesman recalled that Abbas had never answered a question often asked by Hamas on how he accepts unconditional dialogue with the Israeli occupation which commits daily crimes against the Palestinian people while putting dozens of conditions before any dialogue with Hamas.

In a related context, Arab diplomatic sources stated Saturday to the United Press International (UPI) news agency that the Arab foreign ministers who are to meet Sunday in Cairo will discuss the plan of providing financial assistance to Egypt to help it alleviate the burdens of the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip over the past months.

The sources told the UPI that the meeting of Arab foreign ministers would be held on the sidelines of another meeting to be held by the Arab League to discuss the crisis caused by the recent influx of thousands of Palestinians to Egypt to get their basic needs.

The sources explained that the meeting of foreign ministers would study the possibility of providing special Arab contribution in the areas of fuel and electricity to the Gaza Strip from Arab sources.

For his part, Ihab Al-Ghussein, the spokesman for the interior ministry in the PA caretaker government in Gaza, highlighted that the ministry will not allow anyone to harm the Egyptian security elements present at the Rafah crossing.

The spokesman warned that some parties are attempting to exploit the present circumstances to trouble the relationship with Egypt in order to serve the agenda of some circles in the PA leadership in Ramallah who did not like the opening of the Rafah crossing.

The spokesman said that strict instructions were issued to the Palestinian security apparatuses especially the national security apparatus to deal firmly with any individual or side trying to spoil the brotherly atmosphere between Gaza and Egypt."


If you are curious about that green logo, it is the logo of the so-called Arab League, which has produced absolutely nothing tangible in at least 20 years.

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