Monday, January 28, 2008

Hebrew paper: Olmert warned Abbas against resuming dialogue with Hamas

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli premier Ehud Olmert has warned PA chief Mahmoud Abbas against resuming dialogue with the Hamas Movement during their recent meeting, according to a Hebrew paper on Monday.

Ha'aretz reported that Olmert voiced absolute objection to the renewal of talks between Fatah and Hamas, stressing that any such step would mean "a rupture with Israel".

The paper quoted an Israeli official, who attended the meeting, as saying that Abbas was "all ears when we talked in this issue".

Another Hebrew press report underlined that the Abbas-Olmert discussion focused on the situation on the Gaza borders with Egypt, and added that both men agreed on asking Egypt to close its borders with Gaza.

Meanwhile, an Egyptian MP told a Palestinian paper published on Monday that he was astounded at the tragic conditions he witnessed for himself in Gaza.

MP Mohammed Al-Sinnar told Al-Resala daily that the "great tragedy" in Gaza was the result of "American and Israeli planning".

He urged all Arabs and Muslims to stand alongside the besieged people in Gaza and to donate whatever they could to help the beleaguered inhabitants of the Strip."

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