Tuesday, January 8, 2008

IOF troops kidnap two Hamas leaders hours after Abbas's security released them

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- IOF troops kidnapped two Hamas leaders in the West Bank city of Ramallah in a pre dawn raid on Tuesday only two days after PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's security apparatuses released them.

Family of Sheikh Faraj Rummane said that IOF soldiers broke into his home and kidnapped him after inflicting big damage to the house in a savage manner that frightened children and even neighbors.

Rummane was released from occupation jails less than six months ago and was being kidnapped for the 8th time at the hands of the IOF troops.

Other IOF units blasted their way into the home of Sheikh Hussein Abu Kuwaik, wreaked havoc inside and confiscated his personal papers afer detaining his wife and kids in one of the rooms.

The soldiers then took away Sheikh Hussein, who has been detained seven times before in occupation jails. He survived an IOF assassination attempt in 2002 that killed his wife and four of his children.

Hebrew media claimed that the IOF soldiers came under fire during the kidnap of both Hamas leaders, adding that the IOF units arrested 12 other Palestinians from various West Bank areas at dawn Tuesday.

Abu Kuwaik and Rummane led strenuous efforts over the past few months in a bid to patch up differences between Hamas and Fatah movements. Both men were detained by Abbas's security forces for several hours a couple of days ago.

Sheikh Faraj had charged on Monday that the Fatah-affiliated preventive security apparatus maltreated him along with Sheikh Hussein for long hours after they were kidnapped and transferred to the Beitonia prison.

In a statement, the Sheikh explained that he and Hussein were summoned Sunday by telephone to the preventive security apparatus in the Umm Al-Sharayet neighborhood in Ramallah, but upon their arrival they were rounded up and jailed in cells inside the Beitonia prison.....

In another development, the Israel intelligence apparatus called Shabak is following up through its collaborators in the West Bank the war waged by Abbas's security apparatuses against Hamas in the West Bank and provides the Zionist political leadership with a weekly report about the PA achievement in this regard.

Press sources in the Palestinian lands occupied in 1948 revealed that a report issued by Shabak indicated that the PA has intensified its activities in the recent weeks against Hamas in the West Bank cities especially in Nablus.

According to the sources the Israeli intelligence report underlined that the PA security apparatuses kidnapped more than 250 Palestinians affiliated with Hamas including charity workers during only five days."

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