Thursday, January 24, 2008

Israel, A Cancer on Jewish Conscience

From Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem
Image by: Ben Heine

Contributed by Lucia in Spain

"In his rabid efforts to impose socialism on independent Ukrainian farmers (the Kulaks), Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered his Red Army to completely cut off Ukraine from the rest of the world. All roads were sealed, all border crossings were closed. Nothing was allowed to go into or come out of the country. Farmers were searched and looted of food and fuel. Then, soon, Ukrainians began dying of hunger, cold and sickness in great numbers.

The genocide reached its heights in the winter of 1932-1933 when Stalin’s Jewish aide, the notorious mass murderer Lazar Kaganovitch, was dispatched to the Ukraine to accelerate the process of extermination of millions of farmers, middle-class businesspeople and intellectuals....

But unlike Kaganovitch and Yagoda, who didn’t seek to hide their genocidal campaigns, Olmert is lying through his teeth about Israel’s genocidal designs against Gaza’s 1.5 million blockaded inhabitants. His claims that Israel will not allow a humanitarian crisis in Gaza are as valid as a veteran whore’s pretensions about her unscathed chastity....

As the wall came tumbling down in Gaza, it is imperative that Palestinians and their supporters, the millions of free-minded men and women around the world, including many conscientious Jews who value freedom and justice, don’t underestimate the evil intentions and designs of the Zionist entity.....

Israel simply wants to make sure that Palestinians suffer and die as quietly as possible in order not to provoke the moral conscience of the world. Israel thinks, probably rightly, that a quiet genocide is an unwept genocide that would eventually vanish into oblivion and allow the perpetrators to get away with minimal incriminations.

But, nay, we must never allow ourselves to suffer quietly or indeed die quietly. We must leave no stone unturned until we mobilize the conscience of the world against this evil state that claims to be Jewish but is thinking , behaving and acting like the Gestapo, SS and Wehrmacht.....

Finally, it is important that we, the peoples of the world who refuse to be enslaved by the promiscuous New World Order, understand that the battle of Gaza is everyone’s battle. It is a battle for the soul of humanity, it is a battle for the moral conscience of the world. It is a battle for light versus darkness, justice versus oppression and truth versus mendacity. It is a battle that we must not allow ourselves to lose."

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