Monday, January 21, 2008



"Israel does not carry the blame alone for the carnage we see in Gaza today. The world is aware of what is happening and they choose to look the other way
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is close by to hear it fall, was there a noise? YES!
If an entire segment of humanity is being brutally murdered and screams out for help and no one hears them, was there a cry for help? Again YES!
Gaza is dying slowly at the hands of the most brutal oppressor of this century and no one is listening to their cries for help… Has the world gone mad? Israel has committed crime after crime against the Palestinian people simply ‘because they can’…. have we reached a point where the world just doesn’t care any longer and allows them to continue? Sure, there were condemnations from the United Nations…. words…. NO ACTIONS.
The West has been silent… thereby giving total support to the genocide being carried out…. THE WORLD SHARES THE GUILT OF ISRAEL’S CRIMES.

I just received the following in an email from the author, it is hard to conceive of my fellow Jews dancing in the streets of Hebron in celebration of this slaughter, fellow Jews whose very ancestors were sent to gas chambers….. unbelievably shameful! The article is a must read…. one that must be reposted everywhere…. the truth must be heard…. it is the only thing that will set us all free!......"

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