Saturday, January 19, 2008

Morgantini lashes out at EU silence towards Gaza massacres

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Luisa Morgantini, the vice president of the European parliament, has expressed concern over the escalating acts of murder committed by the IOF troops in Gaza and the West Bank.

She expressed surprise, in a statement on Friday, at the fact that the European Union did not condemn those crimes.

Morgantini said that it was absolutely surprising that the EU high representative Javier Solana did not clearly state that such an Israeli policy was wiping out all hopes for achieving peace.

She urged Solana and the world community to work side by side to force the Israeli government to stop this violence and mass punishment against civilians in Gaza and the West Bank in addition to halting the expansion of settlements on Palestinian lands in a bid to reach a just peace.

The European MP accused the Israeli government of pursuing a policy of destruction against the Palestinian people, which would destroy any hope for "peace and security for both peoples".

IOF air raids and incursions over the past four days killed 38 Palestinians and wounded scores others."

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