Friday, January 25, 2008

The Palestinian national conference concludes by stressing Palestinian rights

"DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- The Palestinian national conference which was held in Damascus concluded by stressing the Palestinian rights, especially the right of return and called for unity of Palestinian people everywhere.

The conference further stressed that "resisting occupation by all available means is a legitimate right," expressing its rejection of the Oslo team's policy and action against the resistance.

The theme of three day conference, which started on Wednesday and attended by 1200 delegates representing resistance factions, refugees, civil societies, Palestinian communities in the diaspora and a number of Arab and Islamic delegations, was: "National unity is the way to liberation and return".

In the final statement of the conference, it was stressed that the conference was held at a sensitive juncture for the Palestinian cause in an attempt to rectify the Palestinian political course and get back to the spirit of united action to take responsible decisions with regard to essential issues such as National dialogue, protection of the national unity, rebuilding the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), protecting the resistance and stressing Palestinian national rights.

The conference stressed that:
• Palestine from the sea to the river and from Rafah to Ras-Annaqura is a right for Palestinians and is part of the Arab and Islamic world.
• The Palestinian people, wherever they are, are one people and they are part of the wider Arab and Islamic society.
• Palestinian people have the right to self determination as a people in a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
The return of refugees to lands and homes from which they were uprooted is a natural and a legal right.
Resistance against occupation is a legitimate right guaranteed by international laws and conventions.
Political pluralism, the democratic process and free popular choice is the framework for conducting Palestinian politics and running Palestinian institutions.
• Dialogue is the only way to solve internal differences.

It was also stressed in the statement that the Palestinian people's choice of resistance as reflected in the 2006 elections should be respected......"

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