Friday, January 18, 2008

A Palestinian woman killed, 45 injured in a fresh Israeli air strike

"Peace" is Breaking Out All Over; Thank You George!

"Gaza, (PIC)-- One woman was killed and 45 others were wounded Friday afternoon when F-16 fighters bombed the old building of the interior ministry near the Islamic university, according to initial reports from Gaza.

The bombing resulted in the complete destruction of the five-storey building which seems to be empty as all the casualties were from a neighbouring building were a wedding was taking place.

Initial reports indicate that at least one woman was killed as she was hit on the head with flying debris and 45 others, many of them children attending the wedding were wounded.

Spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said that the building which was bombed has not been used by the Interior Ministry for a long time.

The bombing has caused damage to at least 15 neighbouring apartments according to initial reports."

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