Monday, January 7, 2008

PCAS Chairman calls on releasing trapped Palestinian goods

"GAZA STRIP, 7, January, 2008 (PCAS) – Palestinian Independent MP and Chairman of Popular Committee Against Siege (PCAS), called on releasing the Palestinian goods trapped in Israeli stores and seaports.

The Palestinian goods estimated of millions of American dollars are being kept "obligatory" in the Israel since June 2007.

In a press meeting with foreign media outlets, El Khoudary stated that, "These goods are being trapped with no legal reasons. This is immoral and against all laws and human accords. This causes a lot of losses for Palestinian merchants, wholesalers and traders in Gaza strip.

Chairman added that, "in addition to holding their goods; Israel is forcing merchants to pay fees for the trapped goods in its seaports. Thus we ask this Question! Why they pay for what they don't possess"....."

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