Wednesday, January 30, 2008

$$$$$ Pollsters For Hire $$$$$ We Will Produce The Results You Want Or Your $$$ Back!

"The Centre for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah National University in the northern West Bank city of Nablus issued on Wednesday the results of a Palestinian Public Opinion the centre conducted. In that poll 73.9% of respondents supported handing over the responsibilities of the Gaza Strip crossings to the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas......"


The results are phonier than a $3 bill. As it so happened, this $$$"poll"$$$ was supposedly conducted at about the same time that Al-Jazeera (Arabic) had an online poll on the same subject. After 4,000 people had responded to the Al-Jazeera poll, Abbas had received support by only about 11%, a virtual tie with the choice of an international administration of the crossing. Only after a pronounced and directed voting for Abbas by some of the Fatah supporters did his support increase marginally.

Here is the final tally of the Al-Jazeera poll, with 15,584 people responding:

Abbas to run the crossing..............................14.6%
The Haniyyeh government to run the crossing....74.3%
An international administration of the crossing...11.1%

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