Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stu Littlewood debunks allegations of 'Voice of Israel'

"The three main political parties in the UK each have a 'Friends of Israel' lobby group that ensures pro-Israel members are embedded at all key levels in Parliament and government. The Foreign Office minister responsible for the Middle East is a former chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. His opposition 'shadow' is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel. You get the picture......

So after visiting Gaza in November I wrote to the chairmen of the Conservative and Labour Friends of Israel enclosing a desperate appeal received from the Ministry of Health in Gaza and an article describing the horrendous suffering of innocent civilians under the cruel siege imposed by Israel. "You and your family will, I hope, enjoy Christmas. But starving Gazans will not... What steps will you personally take, I wonder, to help end the humanitarian crisis?"

The Labour chairman didn't reply. Now, after more than 6 weeks, I have
received an answer from the Conservative, James Arbuthnot. This is what he

How should I reply? Where to begin? Ummmm.........

The question I put to you simply asked what you personally propose doing to help end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza where 1.4 million civilians are suffering under Israeli blockade, which shows no sign of being lifted and only bites deeper. It's called collective punishment, one of the nastiest crimes in the book. You don't answer.....

In short, Mr Arbuthnot, what do you really know about the situation in the Holy Land and Israel's conduct? Ever get the feeling you're being used? That's a cruel thing to say, but maybe all MPs caught up in Friends of Israel ought to ask themselves the question, or at least consider what kind of impression they create in the minds of a public who are increasingly learning the truth.

Stu Littlewood
Friend of PCAS in UK"

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