Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Way the Ramallah Thugs See The Gaza Prison Wall Demolition

".....It appears that Israel is not the only one waging a public relations battle with Hamas. Fatah also seems to be struggling against the Islamic organization.

On Fatah-controlled Palestinian television, there was almost no mention of the explosions that brought down sections of the wall on the Gaza Strip-Egyptian border on Wednesday. From the massive demonstrations around the Rafah crossing on Tuesday to the overwhelming crossing over of Gazans into Sinai on Wednesday, the TV station kept mum. Instead, the channel broadcasted a series of historical documentaries, cartoons and educational programs.

Fatah members sought to emphasize the negative aspects of the fence break-through. Nimer Hammad, an advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas, said in an interview with an Arab TV network that "this type of violence is unacceptable and damages Palestinian relations with Egypt and harms Egyptian national security.""

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