Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why the mighty fell

By Gideon Levy

"Here they are again, the protesting officers. After their failure in the wake of the Second Lebanon War, they have returned to us on the eve of the release of the final Winograd Committee report. Now, as then, their protest is hollow. They are crying out together with the bereaved parents, but their cry is infuriating. While protest in this complacent country is a good thing, in this case its content is deceptive, it focuses on the trivial and disregards substance......

But gloomiest of all is the utter absence of a moral dimension in their protest. Not a word about a country that entered into a futile war against Lebanon, destroyed its homes and killed a thousand of its people. All we hear from them is "What about the ground operation?" and "Why wasn't it done earlier?" All we hear is more war. A protest movement with this message is hollow and without values. In the face of that, Olmert can survive handily."

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