Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Arab states slap 'regulations' on media

ARAB countries, at the initiative of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, have adopted a document which imposes "regulations" on Arab satellite television and bars offending their regimes.

"Over the sole opposition of Qatar, the home of Al-Jazeera, information ministers of the 22-member Arab League voted in favour of the document.

The meeting was called at the request of Egypt, which hosts the Arab League and serves as base for several Arab satellite channels.

It calls for the stations "not to offend the leaders or national and religious symbols" of Arab countries.

Cairo and Riyadh frequently complain of criticism of their regimes in talk shows aired by Al-Jazeera and other satellite channels.

The Cairo document authorises signatory countries to "withdraw, freeze or not renew the work permits of media which break the regulations"."

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