Sunday, February 17, 2008

الرأي: اغتيال مغنية تم بتعاون وتنسيق عربي-صهيوني

From Al-Manar

" نقلت جريدة الرأي الكويتية عن مصادر مطلعة ان منفذي اغتيال القيادي البارز في حزب الله الشهيد عماد مغنية، نفذتها جهات عربية بتعاون صهيوني امريكي.

وافادت جريدة الراي ان منفذي العملية علموا بوجود اجتماع بين قيادي فلسطيني مطارد من قبل السلطات الصهيونية وبين مسؤول في حزب الله، حيث نفذوها باحتراف بالغ عبر تفجير سيارة مركونة قرب الرصيف لحظة مرور الهدف.

واوضحت هذه المصادر إن قرار العملية صهيوني وتولت امريكا مواكبتها على المستويين التكنولوجي والتقني وشاركت فيها اجهزة مخابرات لدولة عربية متاخمة لسوريا وتم تمويلها من قبل مسؤول في إحدى الدول العربية المطلة على الخليج.

واشارت المصادر الى ان العبوة كانت محشوة بنحو 3 آلاف من الكريات الحديد، وهو ما برزت اثاره على المباني المجاورة لمكان الانفجار، مؤكدة ان السلطات السورية لم تكن تعلم بوجود مغنية في دمشق، فهو ليس من عادته ابلاغ احد بتنقلاته ويحرص على اخذ الحيطة عبر اجراءات تمويه كانت جزءاً من حياته.

وكشفت المصادر ذاتها ان عملية الاغتيال كانت محكمة بدليل وجود عدة عبوات بديلة في امكنة مختلفة تحسباً لتغيير الهدف طريقه ولضمان نجاح عملية الاغتيال والحد من امكان افلات المستهدفين منها."


I find it extremely hard to believe that the Syrians, according to this story, were not aware of the presence of Mughniyyah in Damascus. Yet, the blame is placed on the intelligence service of an Arab country bordering Syria; by clear implication it is Jordan.

While it is quite credible that Jordan would be involved, given its close alliance with USrael, it is hard to believe that the Jordanian intelligence managed to penetrate Damascus, in an area so close to the offices of Asif Shuwekat (chief of Syrian intelligence) and to place several charges (in case one did not work) without any knowledge of the Syrian intelligence.

Add to this the improved relations between Syria and Jordan, with the recent visit of Foreign Minister Mou'alem, and the stench of this story rises to high heaven. It appears that the Syrian intelligence wants Jordan to be the fall guy; but it can't get off the hook that easily!

My Translation:

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Ra'i, quoting informed sources, stated that the assassination of Imad Mughniyyah was carried out by Arabic services with American and Israeli cooperation.

The paper added that those who carried out the assassination knew of a meeting between a Palestinian leader sought after by Israel and a Hizbullah official. The assassination was executed with high level of professionalism when a parked car bomb exploded when the target walked by.

The sources said that the decision was an Israeli decision with American technological support, the participation of the intelligence service of an Arab country bordering Syria and it was financed by an official from an Arab country in the Gulf region.

The sources added that the explosive charge contained about 3,000 steel balls, which left their marks on adjacent buildings. It was claimed that the Syrian authorities did not know of the presence of Mughniyyah in Damascus since it was not his custom to inform anyone about his movement and since he always took precautions by using deception techniques which became a part of his life.

The same sources maintained that the assassination plot was comprehensive and it included placing charges in different locations in the event the intended target changed his route. The plan was not to leave any escape route and to guarantee success.

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