Saturday, February 16, 2008

Connecting the Dots

A Comment by Tony Sayegh

I don't believe that the events taking place right now are random and unrelated. Put them together and the picture that emerges is of an imminent major war:

- Israel murders a very prominent Hizbullah leader and in Damascus of all places when he was supposedly on his way to the Iranian embassy.

- The US was alone in openly expressing pleasure at this murder.

- Sayyed Nasrallah announces that Hizbullah considers this an open war not limited in geographic area.

- Dick Cheney has warned of the inevitability of another 9/11-style attack on US soil.

- This is an election year and John McCain needs another war on "Islamo Fascists" to be easily elected as the next president.

- Hizbullah has reportedly readied up to 50,000 fighters and emptied buildings housing political and other nonmilitary offices.

- Denmark has obliged again (with the instigation of the neocon Fleming Rose) by re-publishing the infamous cartoons to inflame and enrage Arabs and Muslims everywhere.

- Israeli attacks on Gaza are increasing in their deadliness and indiscriminate nature, by hitting densely populated civilian areas.

- Israel has threatened of a major invasion of Gaza.

If and when Hizbullah retaliates, especially if it hits within the US, this will be the zero hour. South Lebanon and Gaza will be invaded simultaneously while the US attacks Iranian targets.

How about Syria, you ask? Syria will issue statements condemning the attacks and urging Israeli restraint. Syria will probably not be attacked since it is by now firmly in the "moderate" camp and as a reward for cooperating.

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