Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dissolve the Palestinian Authority

Adnan Abu Odeh, Jordanian-Palestinian statesman and insightful analyst on the Middle East region, says that Abbas should dissolve the Palestinian Authority and leave Israel to wrestle with a bi-national Palestinian-Israeli state

By Rami Khouri

Contributed by Lucia in Spain

I don't completely agree with everything Adnan Abu Odeh says. However, dissolving the PA which was created as a tool of the occupation and colonization is an idea whose time has come. The PA is doing enormous damage to Palestinian national rights.

"......Abu Odeh suggests that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas should seriously consider unilaterally dissolving the PA, because it no longer serves a useful function for Palestinians, and instead assists Israel in its long-term designs on the Palestinians’ land.

His analysis is compelling, and should be considered by the Arab League Summit in Damascus next month. It starts from the principle that Israel’s “occupation” of Palestinian land 40 years after the 1967 war is actually a process of colonization or annexation, both aimed at cementing Israeli control of the land and uprooting the indigenous people. He says that “Israel has consistently implemented this strategy since 1967, which by definition requires time, and Israel’s strategy is to buy time.”

One of the best tools to buy time for Israel, he adds, was the Palestinian Authority, which the Palestinians and the world at large saw as a prelude to an independent Palestinian state. After 15 years of Oslo, statehood is a mirage, marred by more Israeli expansion and grabbing Arab lands via new and expanding settlements and the separation wall. ......"

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