Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Echo From The Recent Past: Iranian Chalabis: Tehran accelerated nuclear program. Where is Judith Miller When Israel Needs Her?

Iranian opposition group: Tehran accelerated nuclear program

"An exiled Iranian opposition group on Wednesday claimed that Tehran has accelerated its alleged nuclear weapons program, including the production of nuclear warheads.

The Iran regime entered a new phase in its nuclear project, said Mohammad Mohaddessin, a representative of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran.

He claimed that, for the first time, Tehran had established a command and control center to work on a nuclear bomb and that southeast of the capital it was also setting up a center to produce warheads......."


To adapt Rumsfeld's words to the Iranian "theater", "...We know where they (WMDs) are. They’re in the area around Tehran and east, west, south and north somewhat......"

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