Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hamas: Cairo talks positive, boosted political relations with Egypt

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement stated that the Cairo talks conducted between its delegation and the Egyptian leadership were positive and boosted its political relations with Egypt, adding that the meetings discussed many issues related to the siege, crossings and the internal discord.

In a press release published on Sunday, Ayman Taha, a Hamas spokesman, explained that the talks were marked by transparency, openness and genuine concern for the Palestinian national interest, pointing out that both parties agreed on many "partial issues" including the formation of committees for political coordination.

Regarding the Rafah crossing, Taha said that Hamas tabled its vision during the talks with the Egyptian side which states that the Rafah crossing is a purely Palestinian- Egyptian passage and must be used to serve the Palestinian people and to ensure the entry of food, medical supplies and all basic needs to the Gaza Strip, adding that the vision took the Egyptian national security into account.

The spokesman underlined that it was agreed to end the suffering of Palestinian patients where many patients stranded in Al-Arish were admitted into Cairo's hospitals and arrangements will be made later to schedule other hospital admissions.

Taha deplored PA chief Mahmoud Abbas for clinging to the crossings agreement signed in 2005 which if implemented will bring back the Israeli occupation to the Gaza Strip.

In a leaked letter, MP Emad Nofal, the prisoner in the Israel Megiddo jail, called on all Palestinian parties to agree on new mechanisms to operate the Gaza crossings without any interference by the Israeli occupation and its allies.

MP Nofal castigated the PA chief's insistence on reviving the previous crossings agreements signed with the Israeli occupation, saying: "The Zionists proved that they will give our people nothing but woes, siege, killing and destruction, so why we still insist that they play a role in our lives."

The imprisoned MP hailed the caretaker government's national positions and its adherence to the Palestinian constants and rights despite heavy pressures laid on its shoulder.

For his part, MP Mohammed Ismail imprisoned in the Israeli Netsan jail, hailed Egypt's positions in support of the Palestinian people against the Israeli suffocating siege, calling on the Arab countries to assume their responsibilities and support these Egyptian positions."

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