Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Haredi sect brands Chief Rabbi Metzger 'Zionist stooge,' wicked

"The strongly anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews has attacked Ashkennazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger as a "very well paid Zionist stooge" and a "a wicked emissary of evil" who should be expelled from Israel, following Metzger's reported comments proposing that poor Gazans be moved to a Palestinian state established in the Sinai.

The statements, reported in Haaretz last week, spurred an angrily worded response from Neturei Karta, which has often taken vocally pro-Palestinian stances against Israel.

Denouncing Metzger's Sinai proposal, the group refered to him as the "so-called Chief Rabbi of the so-called State of Israel" and as a "very well paid Zionist stooge".

Referring to Zionism as an "idolatrous cult," Neturei Karta called for Metzger to "removed from the Holy Land," describing him as "a wicked emissary of evil"......"

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