Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hariri, Jumblatt Make Speeches of War on Feb. 14 Eve


"......For the second time in less that a week, MP Saad Hariri used the term "confrontation" to mobilize his supporters in Beirut and recently in Tripoli in the north, to attend the February 14 commemoration ceremony in downtown Beirut.
"We don't want a confrontation. But if we are dragged into one, we will not stay hands tied," Hariri vowed in Tripoli. He earlier said in Beirut: "If confrontation is our destiny, then we stand ready."

But confront who, the opposition?

"We have been hearing an escalatory tone lately with readiness to confront; a tone that we did not hear during the 2006 Israeli aggression against Lebanon. The opposition cannot be drawn into internal sedition. They (loyalty bloc) need to find other ways to prove their competence to those who made them their proxies," MP Mohammad Raad, the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance parliamentary bloc said. "If unity is our destiny, then we stand ready for it," he responded Saturday to Hariri's pledge of confrontation.


For his part, Hariri's ally MP Walid Jumblatt was more direct in choosing war on unity. He assailed Hezbollah Sunday morning calling on the party to abandon who he called "tyrants and infidels" for the sake of Shias. Jumblatt who was mobilizing his supporters to take part in the February 14 event, addressed the opposition saying "if you think that we are going to sit with our hands tied, then perhaps we would have to burn everything. If you want war, then we welcome war. We have no problem with weapons or with rockets which we will launch on you."......."

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