Wednesday, February 20, 2008

House demolitions force Palestinians from village

Haj Azmi with Israeli-issued orders to stop building the village clinic (in background). (Shabtai Gold/IRIN)

Report, The Electronic Intifada, 20 February 2008

"BEQAA, WEST BANK, 19 February (IRIN) - A small, overcrowded Palestinian village in the southern West Bank, under threat from Israeli-conducted house demolitions and land confiscations, is rapidly becoming poorer.

"Every house here has one child at least who left because we can't build new homes. Some went to Hebron, but others left for Amman [Jordan] and places abroad" said Ghassan, a young man from Beqaa village, who is a refugee registered with the UN.

Bilal Jaber, who recently received papers saying his house was illegal, is worried it will be destroyed.

"I saved money when I worked as a laborer to build my home," the now unemployed man said. "If the Israelis destroy it, I can't rebuild."....."

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