Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Israel assasinates Hezbollah leader in Damascus

Who really killed Mughniyah - was it only the Mossad?

From The Vineyard of the Saker

"......This leaves on unresolved question: how was it possible for the Israelis to successfully plant a car bomb in Damascus, in a brand new neighborhood, in the immediate proximity of several Syrian intelligence buildings and kill a presumable highly protected target. Setting aside all the silly mystique about the "super-skilled Mossad" (which has way more pathetic SNAFUs to its credit than real successes), nyone with a working understanding of what such an operation would entail can immediately see that Mughniyah murder could not have been possible without Syrian complicity, if not more.

The only question left open is how high in the Syrian government the accomplices of Israel are. A rogue operation of some isolated elements of the Syrian Mukhabarat is just not something very credible and it is reasonable to assume that the Assad regime was a crucial accomplice in this operation. Is this really surprising? For all the talk about Syria being a 'state sponsoring terrorism' the Assad regime has been more than willing to provide 'torture services' for the CIA, so why assume that this policy of 'collaboration in the war on terror' would be limited to torturing people?

It will be most interesting to see how this situation will develop, but if indeed Syria is behind the murder of Mughniyah this is a declaration of war on Hezbollah and, possibly, Iran."

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