Thursday, February 14, 2008

Israeli army carrying out rampage of terror, sabotage in Palestinian town

By Khalid Amayreh

"BEIT UMMAR, (PIC)-- For the third consecutive day, hundreds of Israeli occupation soldiers and agents of Israel’s chief domestic security agency, the Shin Bet, are savaging and terrorizing this small Palestinian town of 10,000 inhabitants, located just a few kilometers north of Hebron in the southern West Bank.

The occupation forces declared the town “a closed military zone” as crack soldiers moved from house to house, terrorizing civilians, beating youngsters, and vandalizing public and private property.

According to residents reached by telephone, Israeli soldiers were “carrying a wave of collective punishments sweeping arrests.”

“First, they ordered all males from 12 to 70 to school yards and streets in sub-zero temperature, and then heavily armed soldiers moved from house to house, beating youngsters, verbally abusing women, vandalizing property and smashing electrical appliances,” said Yousuf Abu Ayyash, an elderly resident.

Abu Ayyash said Israeli troops were behaving in patters “resembling the middle-ages”......

Israel has stepped up systematic persecution of Palestinians lately despite continuing peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.

On Tuesday, the Western-backed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayadh complained that Israel was not giving his government any chance to succeed.

He said that provocative Israeli actions, including daily incursions and raids in Palestinian population centers, were undermining the government’s stature among ordinary Palestinians."

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