Thursday, February 28, 2008

Israeli minister's bodyguard injured in a Qassam rocket attack on Sderot

"JENIN, (PIC)-- A body guard of the Israeli minister of internal security Avi Dichter was injured in a rocket attack carried out by the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, against the Israeli settlement of Sderot, while Dichter himself escaped injury.
Israeli media sources said that Dichter's bodyguard was rushed to hospital in the Ashkelon city, pointing out that the rocket attack coincided with a visit made by the Israeli minister to the settlement which was recently exposed to retaliatory missile strikes by the Palestinian resistance that led to the death of an Israeli settler and the injury of many others.

The IOA announced a state of emergency in all Israeli settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip.

For its part, the Qassam Brigades announced in a communiqué received by the PIC that it started on Thursday morning to fire eight homemade rockets in batches on Sderot despite the intensive flying of Israeli warplanes over Gaza, vowing that its rocket attacks will continue in retaliation to the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people....."

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