Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Latest From Dr. Mona El-Farra in Gaza


12th of february 2008

"one of my days under the seige
it is so stressfull not to be able to drive my car , as iam like everybody in Gaza ,we are controlled by the lack of petrol that enters Gaza via Isarel ,i hurried up to one of the few stations that got petrol today , to my big surprise i found my self in a long que of cars waiting to get petrol , and i had to wait long 3 hours , before i managed to get 2 gallons of fuel , enough to keep me going for another 2 days , if i rationalised using my car , and that means i will be only driving my car inside gaza city , or park it and walk in a limited areas , SO HERE IAM AGAIN PRISONER IN GAZA iam unable to visit my sister in Khanunis i can go to the Red Crescent clinic but not to the hospital , many people parked thier cars and walk , or use public cars if they can find one !!!!!easily !!!!!!, basic routine practises became so difficult and time consuming ,leave alone the effect of that shortage of fuel ,on our hospitals in particular and public services in general , electricity still big proplem , patchy power is the role !!!continous blackouts makes me feel very low and in a very cold winter it is a curse .
life continues from one day to another , despite of my mind pisimism i still have the optimism of detremination (Gramchi), and in that context a lot of positive activities are going on in Gaza ,to empower the community and to stand by poor and margenalised , as a sign of resistance and refusal of injustice , and searching for peace that is based on justice

very tired and exhausted , drained and thinking of the world silence ,i send my love to you all who think of us as freedom and noble cause fighters NOT VICTIMS
Mona "

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