Monday, February 25, 2008

Manufacturing Consent for Attacking Iran

U.K. diplomat: Iran may have continued nuclear arms work after 2003

"A senior British diplomat says Iran may have continued work on nuclear weapons past 2003, the year U.S. intelligence says such activities stopped.

Simon Smith, the chief British delegate to the International Atomic Energy Agency, commented after an IAEA presentation of documentation that - if accurate - would strongly back U.S. claims that Iran at one point worked on programs linked to attempts to make nuclear weapons.

That assertion was also made by a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate, summarized and made public late last year said. That report also said, however, that the Iranians froze such work in 2003.

Asked whether the information presented to the IAEA's 35 board member nations indicated that Tehran continued such activities past that date, Smith said: "Certainly some of the dates ... went beyond 2003."....."

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