Sunday, February 10, 2008

MoD's 'culture manuals' give troops insight into Arab life

The Independent

"British soldiers have been issued with "cultural appreciation" manuals explaining how the war on terror and Western imperialism have alienated the Arab world and how they can avoid making matters worse. In a candid assessment of the grievances motivating the forces facing British troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Ministry of Defence highlights Guantanamo Bay and the abuse of Iraqi prisoners......

On US and British counter-terrorism policy, the MoD says: "Western policy in the aftermath of the attacks of September 11 2001 in New York and Washington has led to a feeling among many Arabs that the US in cohort with a number of European governments is pursuing a hidden agenda under the guise of the 'global war against terrorism'."

Readers are given a crash course in the history of Western imperialism and told that Arabs blame the UK and France for creating "artificial" states in the region, where borders have been sources of contention ever since. Military commanders are reminded: "Westerners are often perceived as culturally ignorant, regarding their culture as inherently superior to that of the Arabs.".....

The Middle East conflict is also interpreted from an Arab perspective. The MoD guide says: "Western pronouncements against the human rights records of Arab governments... ring hollow for many in the region when held up against what are perceived to be the gross human rights abuses committed against the Palestinian population, apparently with the sanction of Western governments.""

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