Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nazi acts…by Jewish hands

Comment by Khalid Amayreh in Occupied E. Jerusalem

"There is no doubt that the cold-blooded extermination by the Israeli air-force of an entire Palestinian family in Gaza on Friday, 15, was a monstrous crime not unlike Nazi atrocities during World War II.

The only difference lies in the fact that the Nazis did it “wholesale” while their ideological descendants, the Zionists, are doing the same thing by retail.

What else can be said about the deliberate and premeditated bombing from high altitudes of a residential home and the annihilation of a man, his wife and their three children who were asleep in the dead of night?.....

Israeli apologists claim that Israel had to kill Palestinian civilians and children in order to prevent the death of Israeli civilians and children.

But this rationale is as mendacious as it is pornographic. Mendacious because the Palestinians pose no real threat to nuclear Israel which also controls the politics and policies of the United States of America and has strong influences on the governments of Western Europe. Didn’t Sharon, the infamous certified war criminal declare a few years ago that “we, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it?” And pornographic because oppressive regimes could resort to this criminal logic in order to physically eliminate their respective untermensch, blacks, Jews and Palestinians on the ground that “their very existence pose a mortal threat to our future.”....."

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