Saturday, February 2, 2008

Obscene Anomaly

Comment by Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem

".....In fact, the presence of Israeli embassies, consulates, charge d'affaires , “trade offices” in Arab and Muslim capitals should be viewed as a monumental disgrace for concerned states and their governments and rulers. This is very much like maintaining normal relations with Nazi Germany while the Third Reich was busy classifying people into Ubermensch and Untermensch and exterminating numerous multitudes of people in order to fulfill German nationalism…just as Israel has been, more or less, doing to the Palestinians since its misbegotten birth sixty years ago......

Needless to say, the presence of Israeli embassies and “diplomats” in Arab and Muslim capitals implies legitimization of ethnic cleansing, genocide, occupation, colonialism and the systematic dispossession and attempted obliteration of the Palestinian people.....

Of course, these lies are pornographic just as Israeli atrocities are also pornographic because anyone with even rudimentary knowledge of the situation in Palestine-Israel knows quite well that the “rockets” are only a pretext, and that the real motive behind the slow-motion genocide in Gaza is to simply kill as many Palestinians as the world public opinion allows, under existing circumstances, and possibly destroy the democratically elected Hamas government in order to enable America’s Palestinian lackeys in Ramallah to sell out the Palestinian cause and inalienable rights unopposed.....

If Arab ambassadors in Israel don’t communicate Israeli crimes and racism to their respective governments, then what are they doing in Tel Aviv? Frequenting casinos and nightclubs? Socializing with Mossad and Shin Beth agents? Or probably conspiring against their own countries and their own peoples, probably in return for some money?

And if they do relay reality to their capitals as they indeed should, then why do these respective Arab governments keep silent about these crimes? Are they and their Israeli colleagues members in the same Mason lodge?.....

Paradoxically, normalization with Israel, which the stupid Arab regimes had hoped would be a political asset, has turned out to be a disastrous liability for the Palestinians and their enduring struggle for freedom, and an asset for Israel which has been able to endear itself to Arab regimes and at the same time keep murdering the Palestinians in the hundreds and in the thousands.....

In conclusion, normalization between Israel and Arab and Muslim states, especially before ending Israel’s Nazi-like occupation and colonization of the Palestinian homeland, is an obscene anomaly that must come to an end sooner rather than later. Until then, all these embassies and representative offices will remain despised by the masses whether in Egypt, Jordan or Mauritania. And rightly so."

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