Friday, February 15, 2008

An outstretched hand


"For those of us who had connections with Israeli intelligence, Prince Turki al-Faisal was a household name.

For more years than I can remember he lorded over the Saudi Intelligence Service, and was, undoubtedly, the most senior figure in the Arab intelligence community. His name cropped up time and again in the most unlikely circumstances. The brother of Foreign Minister Prince Faisal, he is considered to be one of the most senior - and respected - members of the Royal Household.....

To that list we must now add the name of Prince Turki. He recently attended a conference in Germany on the Middle East in which another former senior intelligence official, Yossi Alpher of the Mossad, participated. Peace between Israel and the Arab countries was discussed. A Reuters journalist asked the prince if he would like to send a message to the Israeli public. This is what the prince had to say:

"The Arab world, by the Arab peace initiative, has crossed the Rubicon from hostility to Israel to peace with Israel and has extended the hand of peace to Israel, and we await the Israelis picking up our hand and joining us in what inevitably will be beneficial for Israel and the Arab world."

He told the journalist that Israel and the Arabs could cooperate in many areas including water, agriculture, science and education.

I asked Alpher what had been discussed at the conference. In true Mossad tradition he did not want to reveal too much, but he did say that Prince Turki was surprisingly forthcoming regarding the opportunities that existed if the Arab world and Israel could work together - and that, of course, depended on the peace talks.

In the days when King Hassan II of Morocco was alive he used to say to us: "Just think of the combination - the wealth of the Arab nations coupled with the brains of the Jews! Together we could transform the entire Middle East into a Garden of Eden!"......

The Arab states have a vital role to play in the weeks and months ahead. We should be urging them to become more involved. We should be discussing their peace initiative with them. We should be seeking ways to reach out to them. Prince Turki would never have sent that message via the Reuters journalist if he did not have the backing of the Saudi king to do so......"

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