Friday, February 22, 2008

PLC: Fayyad's decision to sell Palestinian lands to non-Palestinians unlawful

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Dr. Ahmad Bahar, deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), said that the PLC have passed an act which makes all decisions taken by the "illegitimate government of Salam Fayyad" pertaining to the sale of Palestinian land to non-Palestinians, null and void.

He described Fayyad's decisions as "illegitimate decisions taken by an illegitimate government."

He also said that the PLC's act also extends to all illegitimate, non-patriotic decisions taken by Fayyad's government.

The PLC's act, which was passed during its second extraordinary session between 19-21 February 2008, considers any laws or decisions taken by the Fayyad government null and void and are not legally binding, because the Fayyad government is itself illegitimate that does not have the backing of the PLC.

The PLC expressed concern that Fayyad's decision to allow the sale of Palestinian land to non-Palestinians will give the Israelis a loophole to acquire Palestinian land for settlements with Palestinian "official" help.

The PLC held the PA President Mahmoud Abbas, Salam Fayyad and his government responsible for any harm caused by such irresponsible decisions."

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