Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Report: the Israeli army kidnapped 60 civilians from Hebron during the moth of January 2008

"The Palestinian Prisoners Society office in the southern West Bank city of Hebron issued a report on Wednesday; the report states that during the month of January 2008 the Israeli army kidnapped 60 Palestinian civilians from the city.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society is a local NGO that works with relief and aid workers for the Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli detention camps and their families. Their report stated that out of those kidnapped from the city of Hebron in the month of January 2008 were 11 children.

In addition the report shows that among those 60 kidnapped there are nine that need constant medical care.

Regarding the way the kidnappings were conducted that report says that during the search of the detainees' homes the Israeli soldiers often destroy their family belongings such as furniture and electrical devices and confiscate computers.

The report added that 13 of those kidnapped had already been transferred to an administrative detention centre, meaning that the army is keeping them without presenting them with charges. Administrative detention is illegal under international and UN laws.

There are around 11,000 Palestinian detainees in Israeli detention centers, among them there are 900 prisoners held in administrative detention."

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