Monday, February 11, 2008

The Rise of the Imperial Class

McCain is their avatar, and war is their mother's milk

By Justin Raimondo

"Matt Welch, the new editor of Reason, gave a talk at the Cato Institute about his new book, John McCain: The Myth of a Maverick, in which he sums up the grave danger to the republic represented by the McCain campaign. Welch remarked that McCain is part of the "imperial class," pointing to the politico-military legacy of his father, an admiral, to underscore the point that the putative GOP nominee is revving up his motor to become the most militaristic American president since at least Teddy Roosevelt – perhaps the most belligerent ever.

I agree with him about McCain, but what I want to focus on is the rise of this "imperial class," which seems like a good moniker: certainly it captures the essence of what this phenomenon is all about – a development made possible by and intimately bound up with our "progress" on the road to empire.......

The Imperial class could not have a better champion and exemplar than McCain. If and when he is elected, we will be at war not only with Iran, Syria, and some portion of Pakistan, but we'll be in a global face-off with the Russians, who will come back into fashion as credible villains shortly after President McCain has Scheunemann draft the "Russia Liberation Act," authorizing the expenditure of funds for eventual "regime change" in the Kremlin. "

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