Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Video: IOF kills 5 Hamas members in Gaza

"Five Palestinians, including three senior rocket unit commanders, killed after IDF aircraft fires missiles at bus, vehicle carrying members of Hamas' military wing in Gaza; several other people wounded in strike. IDF, Shin Bet confirm attack.

Five members of Hamas' military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, were killed Wednesday morning after an IDF aircraft fired missiles at a bus and another vehicle carrying the group's operatives west of the Gaza town of Khan Younis.

According to local sources, the bus was hit by several missiles as it was approaching a naval force post near Gaza's coast. Several people were wounded in the strike.

Three of the men killed were reportedly senior commanders of the group's rocket unit. Palestinian sources estimated that the bus had been under surveillance since it left the Jabalya area....."

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