Monday, February 11, 2008

Wayne Madsen Report

An Important Story

"February 11, 2008 -- More trouble ahead for Lebanon: On January 25, 2008, a powerful car bomb set off in the Christian Hazmiyah neighborhood of Beirut. Some ten people were killed, including Captain Wissam Eid of Lebanon's internal security force and his bodyguard. Eid was assassinated hours prior to his meeting with the UN Commission that has been investigating the February 14, 2005 car bombing assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

WMR has previously reported that Israeli intelligence agents, working with rogue Lebanese and Syrian, including Druze, operatives had carried out a number of car bombings in Lebanon with the intention of blaming Syria and its Lebanese Hezbollah allies for the attacks. The bombings included those directed against Hariri, Lebanese Christian leader Elie Hobeika, and other top Lebanese politicians and journalists.

WMR has learned that Eid's own investigation of the Hariri bombing had turned up evidence of the Israeli involvement in the assassination and he was preparing to present this evidence to the UN Commission. The powerful bomb that tore through Eid's vehicle as it was passing under a bridge created flames so intense that the fire would have destroyed any incriminating evidence he was carrying to the meeting with the UN Commission. Eid was a communications specialist for Lebanese security, an indication that his evidence may have included transcripts of telephone and email communications.

There are also reports that Israel's top ally in Lebanon, Samir Geagea, will travel to Washington in early March for discussions with top Bush administration officials, including Deouty National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams, a strong supporter of Israel.

After the Ehud Olmert government received a mere light slap on the wrist from the Winograd Commission that investigated Israel's destructive 2006 war on Lebanon, intelligence points to the probability of another major Israeli military attack on Lebanon that will be designed to wipe out Hezbollah entirely. Such an Israeli attack, directed primarily at southern Lebanon, may involve the arrival in northern Lebanon of U.S. troops at the Kleiaat airbase, which has been selected as a future U.S. military base in the country to coordinate US military operations in Lebanon and Syria."

This was posted by Evelyn on Free Iraq

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