Sunday, March 2, 2008

Anti-Zionist Jews condemn Gaza massacres

From Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Jerusalem

"A worldwide organization representing anti-Zionist Jews has strongly condemned the ongoing mass killing and maiming by the Israeli occupation army of hundreds of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In an “urgent statement” released Sunday, the Neturei Karta organization called on the world community to “stop the wild beast of the Zionist state from destroying the Palestinian people.”

We Orthodox Jews condemn the murderous terrorism and gangsterism of the Zionist murder machine,” read the statement, reacting to the killing of as many as a hundred Palestinians, mostly innocent civilians, including some 20 children, during the past 72 hours.

The statement went only saying that “for sixty years the Zionist butchers have been expelling, occupying, ghettoizing, terrorizing and killing Palestinians who simply want their rights restored in their homeland of historic Palestine.

“We call on all peace-loving nations to take every measure to stop the madness unleashed by the Zionists and to restore the rights of the Palestinians, thereby ending all suffering and bloodshed of all people in historic Palestine

The statement affirmed that the Israeli state didn’t represent the Jewish people and religion. “They may call themselves Jews, but they are not following the Jewish religion. They are barbarians and butchers. They defile and desecrate the holiness of our religion, of our Torah.”

The statement offered “deepest condolences and sympathy” to the entire Palestinian people who must constantly face the effects of Zionist terrorism.

Neturei Karta, which means “Guardians of the City,” is an international organization of Orthodox Jews dedicated to the propagation and clarification of Torah Judaism.

The organization is firmly opposed to Zionism on theological and moral basis. The organization often accuses Israel of generating anti-Semitism by acting and behaving in ways inconsistent with Jewish morality and ethics, including the Ten Commandments."

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