Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Arming The Palestinian Quisling Subcontractors

Officials: Israel to supply PA forces with security equipment

"Israeli officials say Defense Minister Ehud Barak has agreed to transfer police cars and ammunition to the Palestinians, and let thousands more West Bank residents work in Israel......

The defense minister announced on Tuesday that he has approved the entry of 600 Palestinian policemen into Jenin, where they will engage in routine law enforcement. The policemen are currently undergoing training in Jordan.

According to Army Radio, Barak is also expected to tell Fayyad that Israel will supply the Palestinian Authority with 300 vehicles for use by senior officials in Ramallah and in the Palestinian security forces......

In addition, the radio reported, Palestinian police will receive Kalashnikov rifles, rubber bullets and night-vision equipment.....

Barak and Fayyad meet regularly to discuss security issues, and their talks are an integral part of U.S.-backed Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, which the sides hope will produce a final agreement this year......

As part of the peace process, the Palestinians have pledged to crack down on militant groups......"

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