Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chief Arab Ass Has Spoken, So Listen Up: Moussa for new look at peace talks

"Amr Moussa, the Arab League chief, wants foreign ministers of the group to re-evaluate the Arab-Israeli peace talks.

Moussa said this at Saturday's opening of the Arab summit in Damascus, where Bashar al-Assad, Syria's president, asked how long Arab nations can keep offering Israel a land-for-peace proposal [because they have nothing else to offer]......

Moussa warned that the Arab League could take "painful decision regarding the Arab position towards peace negotiations".

He said: "Does that mean that the peace option is no more feasible? Yes, this is a possible position."

Moussa wanted Arabs to reconsider their options on Israel and the current negotiations if no progress is seen in the next few weeks.

He urged them to take a firm and decisive position on Israel and called on Arab foreign ministers to meet in mid-2008 [what is the hurry?]......."

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