Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hebron teen killed by IDF as violence spreads to W. Bank

"A 14-year-old Palestinian was killed by Israel Defense Forces in Hebron as the violence spilled over into the West Bank on Sunday in the wake of the escalating clashes between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The clashes began when several hundred Palestinian youths threw stones and bottles at an Israeli checkpoint in Hebron's city center. IDF troops responded with rubber bullets and gas, slightly wounding two people.

Violent protests also erupted in West Bank communities around Jerusalem, as Palestinians in Atarot, Har Adar and Kalandia began throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at IDF troops in the region.

In Ramallah, home to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' government, thousands of schoolchildren demonstrated against Israel. Some accused Abbas of being an Israeli agent, and protesters threw stones and cars, burned tires and forced shopkeepers to close their stores......"

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