Friday, March 28, 2008

I Have News for MP Khudari: Most Arab "Leaders" Are Part of and Enforcing the Siege

Khudari calls on Arab summit to send a delegation to Gaza to see effects of siege

"GAZA, (PIC)-- MP Jamal al-Khudari, chairman of the Popular Committee Against the Siege (PCAS), called on participants in the Arab summit, which will convene on Saturday, to take brave decisions to break the siege of the Gaza Strip and protect the Palestinian people.

Khudari called, during a press conference held by PCAS on Friday, on the summiteers to form a delegation to visit the Gaza Strip and see for themselves the tragic situation resulting from the oppressive siege there.

"If there was no summit we would have called for an urgent one to discuss the siege of Gaza and take urgent and important decisions to save the Strip, which is subjected to an Israeli suffocating siege which is being escalated all the time and that has claimed tens of victims, destroyed the economy, caused the deterioration of the health situation and paralysed life," Khudari said.

He pointed out that both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are suffering; whereas while the Gaza Strip is suffering because of the closure of all crossings preventing the movement of people and essential goods and resulting in the death of tens of patients, the West Bank is suffering from hundreds of roadblocks, the apartheid wall and separation from Jerusalem the Gaza Strip.

Khudari also stressed that the Arab summit should break the siege straight away [Dream on!]. He also called on European officials and human rights organisations to break the siege and called for reopening the Rafah crossing under Egyptian-Palestinian control.

He added that PCAS takes the opportunity of the convening of the Arab summit to make this call for lifting the siege and to stress that the Palestinian people have the right to enjoy peace and security."

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