Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Iraq: Five Years After the Conquest

A peaceful Palm Sunday in the shadow of war

By Justin Raimondo

".....The reality is that this was a horrible mistake from the very beginning, and yet many who say this – and said this at the time – are not ruling out an attack on Iran. Yes, it's all fine and dandy that the two Democratic presidential candidates are telling us what we want to hear – that we need to get out of Iraq as soon as possible. But do they realize that the longer we stay in Iraq the closer we are to war with Iran? Do they rule that out? Of course not.

As we protest, mourn, and speak out against the current war, we must raise an alarm against the next war – and by all indications it is coming soon.

Opponents of the invasion of Iraq warned that the conflict could not be contained in Iraq, that it would soon spread throughout the region – and that prediction is coming to pass before our eyes. The firing of Adm. William "Fox" Fallon – described by Esquire magazine as the one man standing between us and another war – prefigures a disaster in the making, and the rhetoric of this administration – and of Democratic Party politicians, who are enabling this administration in its war plans – bodes ill for the cause of peace.

What it comes down to is this: if we don't raise public awareness of the next war, if we don't wake up the American people and mobilize them in their millions against the madness of the War Party, we are headed for a war that will make the present one seem like a Sunday school picnic......"

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