Monday, March 24, 2008

Nazzal: USA, Israel foiled Russian ME efforts

"DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Mohammed Nazzal, member of the Hamas political bureau, has charged that the USA and Israel had foiled the Middle Eastern tour of Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.

He told Quds Press that Lavrov's tour ended without any tangible progress whether on issue of calm between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions or on lifting the siege on the Palestinian people.

Nazzal said that his Movement informed the Russian chief diplomat with its position regarding calm, siege and national dialogue.

Lavrov could not achieve any breakthrough in any of those basic questions due to the American administration's hegemony on the Middle East file and its refusal to allow any other party to intervene, he underlined.

"The USA does not want a partner in its peace efforts and is interested in aborting any effort in this direction," Nazzal said, adding that Israel also is not interested in a reciprocal, comprehensive calm but rather wants it for free and on the part of the Palestinians only.

The Hamas leader said that American vice president Dick Cheney's visit to the region fell in the same framework in addition to serve his party's nominee to the presidential elections.

"Dick Cheney's visit to the region has nothing to do with solving the Arab-Israeli conflict or the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations but rather it is arranged by the republicans to win votes of the Zionist lobby", Nazzal opined."

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