Sunday, March 2, 2008

Palestinian teen killed by IDF near Hebron

Clashes break out between soldiers and West Bank demonstrators protesting IDF's Gaza offensive; 13-year-old boy killed during riot near Hebron, officer lightly wounded near Bethlehem

"Solidarity rallies with Gaza in the West Bank have deteriorated into violent clashes with the IDF Sunday, as thousands of people took to streets to protest Israel's operation in the Strip.

One of the biggest rallies was held in Nablus, where more than 4,000 Palestinians protested at the town's main square.

The protests were reminiscent of the first days of the current Intifada and the first Intifada and were held all across the West Bank, including the towns of Jenin, Tulkarem, and Hebron. Protestors carried Palestinian flags and photos of martyrs, while hurling stones at bottles at police and IDF forces.

A 13-year-old teen, Mahmoud al-Masalmeh, was shot and killed by soldiers during clashes in the village of Beit Awa near Hebron, local sources reported. Another 40 people were wounded, two of them critically.....

Fearing that the demonstrations might claim more casualties, the Palestinian Authority has sent forces to contain the protest[working as hand-in-glove with the IOF]...."

Breaking News Contributed by Lucia in Spain:

Ramallah: Hundreds protest Gaza strikes

"Palestinian security forces are forcefully dispersing a demonstration held by Hamas in Ramallah to protest ongoing IDF operations in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian sources say that several protestors were beat up by police and four were detained."

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