Monday, March 24, 2008

The Stooge Was Given USraeli Orders: No Reconciliation With Hamas

Fatah: Yemeni proposal signed due to mixup

"Top aides to Palestinian President Abbas distance themselves from Yemeni plan outlining path to reconciliation with Hamas

Top aides to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday distanced themselves from a Yemeni plan outlining a path to reconciliation with Hamas movement, and one said an Abbas envoy only signed the document because of a mixup......"

Qureia: Fatah signed reconciliation draft with Hamas due to mixup

"Top Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia on Monday said Fatah signed a proposal outlining a path to reconciliation with Hamas because of a mixup.

Under the Yemeni plan, Fatah and Hamas agreed on the goal of uniting in a single Palestinian government. The proposal was signed Sunday by a representative from Hamas and by a senior Fatah official, former Palestinian Prime Minister Azzam al-Ahmed.

Qureia, who heads the Palestinian team in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, on Monday suggested that al-Ahmed was hasty. He said al-Ahmed called before the signing to get guidance from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, but that Abbas was busy hosting U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney......"

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