Tuesday, March 4, 2008

UN deepens the Iran nuclear crisis

By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Asia Times

"The third round of United Nations Security Council sanctions now hanging over Iran's head in connection with its nuclear program is the harshest yet. Tehran has dismissed the measures as "legally defective". But with US and French ships in the Persian Gulf poised to carry out the interdiction of vessels suspected of carrying nuclear cargo to and from Iran, the stage is set for the next chapter - physical confrontation......

In other words, the IAEA's Governing Board will follow the UN's footsteps by passing a tough anti-Iran resolution and thus ensuring the viability of the Iran nuclear crisis that should have ended this week after the IAEA's certificate of Iran's compliance with respect to all its questions of concern, better known as the "outstanding questions".

With so much verbal and substantive self-reversal of IAEA officials in such a short time, it is now clear that the deeper the Iran crisis becomes, the more entrenched the problems of the IAEA itself, which must either stop playing double standards or resign to the caricature of itself by the manipulative soft power of the US and its allies. "

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