Sunday, March 2, 2008

US & Iran Out Of Iraq. Take Your Puppets With You

The Arab Advocate

"The hypocrisy of the Persian Mullahs on full display. Iranian President Ahmadinajad visits American-occupied Iraq. This is the first visit by an Iranian president since the 1979 Islamic revolution, and it aims to strenghten its ties with the Puppet regime. This Iranian leader, and others, have routinely accused Saddam Hussein of being an American stooge back in the 1980's and described the late President's justified, pre-emptive strike as an American inspired war against the anti-Zionist, anti-Imperialist Iranian revolution. Since the US invasion we have seen Iran's Iraqi lackeys, who couldn't set foot in Iraq while the previous regime was in power, and never had any support among the Iraqis, roll into Baghdad on the heels of an American invasion and set up shop in the green zone. We have also witnessed Saddam Hussein's Arab Baath Socialist Party, which has proven to enjoy a broad base of popular support, transform itself into becoming the backbone of the Iraqi National Resistance. Now the Iranian President himself will head to the green zone under the protection of the "Great Satan" and his occupation forces. "

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