Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Pro-US "Democracy" Setting an Example!

7 Kuwaitis charged over eulogy of slain militant

"Seven Kuwaitis will be put on trial for allegedly sending a statement to Lebanese and Iranian television stations eulogizing slain Hezbollah militant Imad Mughniyeh, their lawyer said Tuesday.

Prosecutors charged the men, who are all Shiite Muslims, with "spreading false news about the situation in the country" for sending the statement that "weakened the position of the state abroad," said defense attorney Abdul-Karim bin Haidar.

He said his clients deny any connection to the statement that eulogized Mughniyeh, a top Hezbollah commander who was killed in a February car bombing in Syria.

The statement was broadcast by the Shiite Muslim militant group's Al-Manar TV station in Lebanon and Iran's state-run Arabic satellite channel Al-Alam.

Shortly after Mughniyeh's death, hundreds of Shiites gathered in a Kuwait City suburb to mourn him as a martyr and a hero. The ceremony provoked an uproar in this predominantly Sunni U.S. ally......

A Kuwaiti criminal court will begin hearing the case against the men, who include four former legislators and one cleric, on April 30, bin Haidar said. If convicted, they could face a minimum of three years in jail, he said.

Shiites make up about 30 percent of Kuwait's 1 million people......."

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